Eco Friendly Brush Mulching

Our brush clearing services are eco friendly! We don't use chemicals or burning to clear your brush, we use high quality machinery to get the job done efficiently.

Land Clearing

If you have property that needs clearing in Tampa, FL or surrounding areas, give us a call. We would be happy to turn your vegetation into mulch to make your land just the way you want it.

Expert Brush Mulching

Did you know that we can turn your overgrown brush into mulch? Heavy brush mulching is a great alternative to chopping and burning your brush. Get your free estimate today!

Heavy Brush Mulching

Forestry Mulching is a process in which unwanted trees, stumps, or brush, is ground up into mulch by specialized machinery. We take the mulch and spread it throughout the space that has been cleared. This process of brush mulching is a great way to help your property with plant re-growth, as well as adding an additional layer of top soil, as the mulch decomposes.

Another benefit of heavy brush mulching is the economical impact. By mulching your undesired vegetation, you are saving money on hauling away brush piles and debris, as you would with a "cutting" land clearing method. You also prevent damage to the land from burning.

If you are looking to keep certain trees or plants in the area, forestry mulching is the perfect option because we can remove the unwanted vegetation while keeping your "keeper" trees in tact, and protected. We do not damage the feeder roots that maintain your trees, and the resulting mulch adds a protectant layer of top soil to the greenery that is staying.

Typically speaking, brush mulching is a faster, and less expensive method of land clearing.


Are you searching for a more efficient way to clear unwanted vegetation from your property? Do you want a faster, simpler, more eco-friendly land-clearing method? Brush mulching uses machinery to provide an aesthetic alternative to traditional land clearing methods such as: bulldozing, burning or chemical treatments. The process of forestry mulching allows us to clear your land, while also providing benefits to your soil and future vegetation through the nutrient rich mulch that is left behind.


Tampa's #1 Agricultural Land Clearing and Brush Mulching Company

Did you know: Traditional land clearing methods can cause more inconvenience and trouble than they are worth. Traditional land clearing methods involve many steps, many machines, and many days of work. You also need to take into consideration the process of site prep, trunk and branch hauling, site clean up, and possibly special permits. A lot of these processes rely on good weather, and clear days to implement as well. When removing dense vegetation and brush by the roots, the soil can become eroded, and drainage can become an issue. When large amounts of trees and vegetation are removed without mulch being placed down, the land becomes stripped of nutrients and stability. That is why we highly recommend considering heavy brush mulching as an alternative to other land clearing methods.

If you are looking to effectively and efficiently clear your land, hire Clear Cut Heavy Brush Mulching to clear your property of undesirable trees, stumps, brush, and other vegetation. We are happy to provide you with a free estimate. 


Brush Removal in Tampa, FL and surrounding areas.

Brush mulching affords you less work to clear your land, both before AND after the land is cleared. You typically do not need a permit or erosion control. You will not have any brush piles to dispose of, and you won't have chemicals sprayed all over your land. Brush mulching is more cost effective than traditional land clearing methods, and can be done in just about any weather here in the Tampa Bay Area. You gain nutrient rich top soil, natural erosion control, and are able to keep and protect the trees that you want to keep.

Clear Cut Heavy Brush Mulching offers professional grade forestry mulching in Tampa, FL and surrounding areas. We take pride in our expert land clearing services, and we treat every customer's land as if it were our own. Reach out for your free land clearing quote!

Service Area

Fully Licensed | Over 10 Years Experience

We are based in Tampa, FL, 33607

We offer land clearing and heavy brush mulching in the following counties:

Citrus, De Soto, Hardee, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lake, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, and Sumter Counties

Interested in our Brush Mulching Services? We have you covered!

Request an estimate for our brush clearing or mulching services in Tampa, FL or surrounding areas

What Our Machines Clear

- Pepper Trees

- Saplings

- Palmettos

- Thick Vines

- Trees Under 12" In Diameter

- Fallen Trees & Stumps

- All Underbrush

Uses for Brush Mulching and Brush Clearing

- Property Line Clearing

- Ditch Clearing

- Fence Line Clearing

- Land Clearing for a new Building

- Land Clearing for a new Pasture

- Brush Clearing and Brush Mulching

- Trail Clearing

- Land Clearing for a new Field

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